Author: Richard de Araújo
No fim do século VIII, a técnica chinesa de fabricação de papel e de encadernação chega a Bagdá. A paixão por livros multiplica as bibliotecas e estimula o ofício de historiador. Attabari, Almas’udi, Ibn Battuta e Ibn Khaldun se destacam, cada qual em seu tempo.
Languages are human institutions and as well as men who speak them, they have their progress and their setbacks, win and lose speakers according to the prestige of the countries that use them. The Portuguese language in this sense began to enjoy the last years a greatest international prestige due to factors as the size of the Lusophone population, the relative youth of its speakers, their distribution in the world and therefore business opportunities with these countries.
O livro Pobre nação: as guerras do Líbano no século XX, do jornalista britânico Robert Fisk, oferece um importante referencial àqueles que se interessam pela história recente do Oriente Médio e, especificamente, pela do Líbano. Por si sós, estes seriam bons motivos para a publicação do livro, não fosse também a particularidade brasileira: o Brasil possui uma importante comunidade de origem libanesa.
Despite the sparse knowledge of the Brazilian population on the issue of refugees, the question of war is always present. It will astonish no one to say that we live in an era of generalised conflict around the world. In contrast to the two Great Wars of the last century, in which blocs of countries confronted each other generating mass displacements of populations, today we see numerous conflicts scattered all over the globe.
The current search for new trading partners in unexpected geographic areas demonstrates the extent to which Brazil has changed its foreign policy the last few years. With an agenda that has focused primarily on global business performance, the Middle East has emerged as a key area for Brazilians who want to expand the consumer market of their companies.
As línguas são instituições humanas e assim como os homens que as falam, têm seus avanços e seus retrocessos, conquistam e perdem falantes, tudo conforme o prestígio que têm os países que as usam....
The rise in oil prices caused by the impasse between Western powers and Iran due to the latter’s nuclear programme has been a cause for concern not just for the European and North American markets, but also for economies that are currently less vulnerable, such as the Brazilian economy, for which the two oil crises of the 1970s had catastrophic consequences.
The twenty-first century has brought important changes to the balance of power which had been in place until then, with obvious ramifications for the international economy and politics. In this context, Brazil has come to dispute its influence in recent years in two regions which were formerly dominated by the central countries: the Middle East and Africa.
Les récents soulèvements populaires pour une plus grande ouverture démocratique dans certains pays arabes ont provoqué la surprise dans les médias internationaux. Commencé en Tunisie à la fin de 2010, la révolution s’est rapidement...
The history of Lebanese emigration to Brazil is long. It is said that Lebanese Christians began to emigrate to Brazil in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, while Lebanon was still part of the Ottoman Empire. The economic crisis that Brazil suffered in the 1980s and 1990s directly affected these families, dependent on the income from trade. Many chose to return to Lebanon and rebuild their lives in the old fatherland.